To give a donation in memory of a loved one, first complete the donation in the section below. Then go to the Contact Us page to send us your note of remembrance. Indicate if you would like to include the individual's name and your donation amount.
Given in memory of my father, who taught me and demonstrated the value of family, children and a safe and loving home. I miss you. Love Paul
Given in memory of my husband by family and friends. John was always ready to lend a hand to those in need. He was looking forward to helping with maintenance at Life House but the Lord called him home.
In loving memory of Rita Dixon
In loving memory of Joan Moran
In loving memory of Eleanor Eckhardt
In loving memory of John V. Pray
In loving memory of John V. Pray
In loving memory of Rita Balsamo
In loving memory of Robert Hussey
In loving memory of Susie Cookman Morris
Given by his sister, in loving memory of John V. Pray
Given by Nancy Rorman in honor of Mary Rose Pray
In Memory of Bob Skribiski by Timothy & Doni Skribiski
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